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Our Legacy Barbet

 New to our Biscay family in February 2014, and our oldest Barbet, born May 22, 2003, in France to Ranier Georgii and Inge Fischer.
Ursus di Barbochos Reiau de Prouvenco.  Affectionately known as Ransu.
This Hobo Warrior has traveled the continent, and after flying across the ocean, he now resides with us in Canada.
With the help of Elaine Fichter and Anne Keippilä we were able to bring this boy home to stay. In his first outing to Canadian dog shows Ransu was Best of Breed, Best Veteran in Specialty Show and Best Veteran in Sweeps at the SWOSDS.
"BISS Ursus di Barbochos Reiau de Prouvenco"  who also has a French show title.
Ransu has Excellent Hips (A1) and Normal elbows (O/O) and normal eye exam. PRA-PRCD - Clear.
At 11 years old, he sired 3 litters in the year he came to Canada; one in Finland, one in Canada and one in the USA with some great results. He loves people and playing with his Barbet family and sleeping on our pillows at night!
I am so thankful to Mr Ranier Georgii, Ms. Inge Fischer and Madame Helene Petre for their commitment and unwavering faithfulness to the breed - Ursus would not be here without them!!  What a wonderful opportunity and privilege it was to have him here!  
On Friday October 12, 2018 Ransu couldn't stay with us any longer, and he died. He lived a nice long life, and at 15.5 years old, he was the last in his litter to die.

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She was our first Barbet, we got her in 2006, after a couple years researching breeds, and finally finding and deciding on the Barbet.
"BPIS CH. Couraliee Buoyant Black Bonnie CGN"  
Bonnie was born April 27, 2006 in St. Basile, Quebec, Canada. She is 1 of eight puppies,  all black. Thank you to Lyne Trudel of La Courailee for entrusting her to us.
Bonnie was the first Barbet to earn a Best Puppy in Show (Guelph KC 2007) in Canada.
A confirmed Canadian Champion.  She ranked #2 Barbet in Canada for 2007.
Bonnie was also a certified Canine Good Neighbour.
Registered with the CKC and the AKC.
Fer hips and elbows OVC certified Normal. Her eyes are CERF certified E1. Thyroid OFA normal.  PRA-PRCD Carrier.
After 3 litters, Bonnie was retired.  The Ruby, Sapphire & Jasper litters are all puppies to be proud of.  Bonnie has done us, herself and the breed in Canada an amazing feat!
Bonnie passed away suddenly on December 13, 2018. 

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Our first male Barbe and we got him in 2006, after a long and tedious importation process, from Poland.
"Anton z Gorki Podduchownej CGN, DDJJ"  
Anton was born June 2, 2006 in Pabianice, Poland, he was the only male in a litter of 9 puppies, all black.
Anton is an Obedience Graduate. He actively competed in Dock Dogs events and Ultimate Air Dogs events. He was only the 2nd Barbet in the World to compete in this athletic sport.  
Anton was also a certified Canine Good Neighbour.
Anton has a PKC  registered 3 generation export pedigree, and is CKC registered as well as with the AKC.
His hips and elbows were OVC certified Normal. His eyes CERF certified E1.
Anton was an incredibly fast runner, a great swimmer, able to retrieve on land or in water.
His hunting skills were by far the best we have seen to date and he comes from a lineage of great hunters. His sisters and mother are all active hunters both here and in Europe. Anton once caught a doe's leg and tried to take her down, before being called off.
Anton was laid to rest May 25, 2019.

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She was our second female Barbet, and also imported from Poland from breeder Piotr Piotrowski . We got her just before Christmas of 2006.
"CH. Asta z Gorki Podduchownej CGN" 
Asta was born June 2, 2006 in
Pabianice, Poland. She was 1 of nine puppies in her litter.
Asta was a confirmed Canadian Champion. She ranked #2 Barbet in Canada for 2007, and also a certified Canine Good Neighbour.  
She has a PKC registered 3 generation export pedigree, CKC registered, as well as AKC.
Her hips and elbows were OVC certified Normal. Her eyes CERF certified E1.
Asta loved to hunt and track. She has an excellent hunting lineage - her sisters, brother and mother all actively hunted.
Asta could air or ground scent prey from 100 yards away, and flush.  Occasionally she would bring

her "treats" into the house, to show us her skills.
After 3 litters - Emerald, AquaMarine & Opal litters Asta was retired. Since being imported from Poland, Asta has done us, herself and the breed in Canada, many proud moments. She was one of the best import decisions we ever made!! Thank you Piotr, with all our hearts...for this wonderful Barbet!!  Sadly on June 22, 2016, Asta died from complications of surgery. 

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She is a lovely Barbet, imported from France in 2007, and we actually picked her up in the NL after our friends from Quaciendas Kennel brought her home with them and her 2 sisters.
"CH. Cigale di Barbochos Reiau de Prouvenco CGN, CGC" 
Cigale was born June 17, 2007 in St. Gabriel, France. She was 1 of eight puppies, all brown.
Cigale is a confirmed Canadian Champion.  She is a certified Canine Good Neighbour.
She is also SCC registered with a 3 generation export pedigree, as well as registered with the CKC and the AKC.  Her hips and elbows are OVC certified Normal. Her eyes are CERF certified Normal.
Cigale gets along with almost anyone and everyone, we consider her "Miss. Congeniality". She loves to run and play, she is a very good pointer.
Cigale is from the last bred litter of Madame Petre of France, the daughter of Dr. Charles Vincenti, the man responsible for saving the breed from annihilation after the devastation of WWII.
Since having her first and only litter in January 2011 - the Garnets - she was retired from the breeding world, and lived with our friends Larry and Judy in Washington State, USA.  Cigale passed away April 1, 2022, in her 15th year. She will be dearly missed. 

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Serafina was born to Bonnie and Anton in June of 2008.
"CH. Serafina Biscay's Radiant Ruby CGN"
Fina was born with a liver shunt, medically known as portosystemic shunt. Now, whether this was hereditary or a birth defect, we will never know. Historically, dogs with this issue, die at an early age....but with the help of a holistic vet and some excellent RAW feeding, Fina lived a good life, and continued to do well.

Serafina was a CKC Conformation Champion and a Canine Good Neighbour.
Registered with the CKC as well as the the AKC. 

After living with us for 5 years, and having a litter - the Seraphim (all 3 born healthy) - she went to live with Lexi and her little "brother" Mouse (a Disco x Asta pup) and traveled all over North America with them and Lexi's horses. 

On June 22, 2015 Fina died - just unable to maintain a good quality of life anymore, her joy and comfort had left her. We are so thankful for Lexi and the fun and wonderful life that Fina had at the end. Love you Lexi!!
We think of Serafina often, she left us with 3 beautiful girls - Pebbles, Fiesta and Inka. Fina always delighted and amazed us with her intelligence and fierce loyalty to her "pack"

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Disco was imported from Finland along with his sister Daphne who lives with our very dear  friend Ula formerly of The Friendly Barbet. 
"CH. Nelum-Himalis Disque D'or CGN"
Disco was born May 17, 2009 in Porvoo Borga, Finland. He was 1 of 7 puppies from Nelum-Himalis kennel.
Disco was a confirmed Canadian Champion and certified Canine Good Neighbour.
Registered with the FKC with a 3 generation export pedigree.  Also registered with  the CKC as well as the AKC.
His hips and elbows were OVC certified Normal.  Also OFA certified  A1=Excellent. Eyes are CERF certified normal. Thyroid OFA Normal. 

In  early 2016, Disco started losing weight and exhibiting some other physical symptoms. After numerous tests and blood tests, there were no answers. Following a final blood smear, it was found that he had contracted a tick borne disease when we were in Europe, that was missed using general diagnostic tests. He was treated aggressively but being so late in the disease, Disco was unable to recover and lost his battle on  November, 30, 2016.

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Vegas is another of our own breedings to be kept with intention of future breeding purposes.  She is from a breeding done in co-operation with Wendy Schira of Butterblac Reg'd Kennels.
"MBPIG CH. Vegas Biscay's for Butterblac CGN"  
Vegas was born February 28, 2011 at our farm.  She is one of 10 puppies born to Asta z Gorki Podduchownej and Nelum-Himalis Disque D'or (Disco).
Vegas lives with our good friend Michelle who's family also has 2 Vegas pups, "Jack" and "Lily" and grandson "Thor".  Together, along with their lab buddy "Captain" they have lots of great fun together!
Vegas is CKC registered with a 3 generation pedigree and also registered with the AKC.
Vegas is a Canadian Champion and at the Purina National 2012 Vegas placed Best of Opposite both days she competed, in a group of 15 Barbet represented, including 9 Champions. She truly is a Vegas Show Girl!!
Her eyes are CERF certified Normal.  Her OFA Hips are Excellent (A1) and her OFA Elbows are Normal. Thyroid OFA normal.  PRA-PRCD - Clear.
After 3 beautiful litters - Topaz, Onyx & Diamonds - Vegas retired, and enjoyed life to the fullest with her family - until she started exhibiting worrysome symptoms. Vegas died August 11, 2022 surrounded by her family. 

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Daytona, born in the United States, on June 7th, 2012 and is one of our "great-grand puppies".
"GCH. Ginkgo de Treasures Daytona CGN CGC"
Daytona's mother is Izzy (CH Treasures Biscay's Sapphire RN) born here with us, exported to American Barbet and Stacy Brogan Able  then bred to french import CH CM1 Cinna di Barbochos Reiau de Prouvenco ThD.
We are very happy not only to have a pup from one of our puppies and to continue this lineage, but also looking forward to continued cooperation with Stacy and her breeding program.
Daytona is a CKC Grand champion. She has also participated in many AKC-FSS Open Shows in the USA. She is also certified with a CKC CGN and in the USA with an AKC CGC.
Daytona's hips are OFA Good (A2), and Normal elbows. Her eyes are CERF Normal. Thyroid OFA normal.
After having 2 litters - Moonstones & Amethyst - Daytona was retired and has been certified as a Diabetic Alert Dog (DAD) She lives with a wonderful family and provides support and life saving assistance to her partner.

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Olive is one of two daughters of our Vegas to be kept for the intention of future breeding out of the Ursus litter.  
She is from a breeding done in co-operation with Wendy Schira of Butterblac Reg'd Kennels.
"CH. Yyteri Biscay's Unique Onyx CGN CAP"
Olive was born on June 29, 2014, at our farm. She is one of 8 puppies born to Vegas Biscay's for Butterblac and Ursus di Barbochos Reiau de Prouvenco (Ransu).
Olive lived with us on the farm, with excursions for training in tracking, retrieving, and scenting events and trials. The summer of 2016, Olive was the first Barbet to get a Chase Ability title in the CKC. Thanks to Jenna Shannon for her help and training to achieve this!!
Olive is CKC registered with a 3 generation pedigree and also registered with the AKC and the UKC. 
Olive is a Canadian Champion and at the Barrie Kennel Club in August 2015, she placed 3rd in the Sporting Group (our first group placement). She did us proud! In 2015 Olive ranked #9 Barbet in Canada, with a limited amount of shows that year.  
Her hips are OFA A - Good, Elbows normal, CERF is normal, PRA-PRCD Clear by parentage and lab testing. Thyroid is OFA normal. Olive had her first and only litter in February 2017, the Peridot puppies. She now lives in Buffalo, NY. 

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Lily is one of two daughters of our Vegas to be kept for the intention of future breeding purposes.  She is from a breeding done in co-operation with Wendy Schira of Butterblac Reg'd Kennels.
"BIS MBPIG GCH.  Yara Biscay's for Butterblac CGN"
Lily was born June 29, 2014 at our farm in Wellesley, Ontario. She is one of 8 puppies born to Vegas Biscay's for Butterblac and Ursus di Barbochos Reiau de Prouvenco (Ransu).
Lily lives with her mom Vegas, and our good friend Michelle.
Lily is CKC registered with a 3 generation pedigree and also registered in the AKC.
Lily is a Canadian Grand Champion and has placed multiple times in puppy group.
In the Dogs of France specialty show Lily placed a Group 3 both days of the Specialty. She truly is walking in her mama Vegas' Show Girl boots!!
December 2017 Lily was shown at the Orlando Florida AKC cluster - and in 5 shows, Lily placed multiple times. At the KCUSA open show Lily earned a Best in Show!
Her health testings are done and Lily is OFA Hips A - Good, and Normal elbows. CAER E1 Normal,

PRA-PRCD - Clear by parentage and lab testing. Her Thyroid is OFA normal.  

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Della is our girl imported from our friends Wim and Astrid from Outdoors Kennel in the Netherlands with the intention of future breeding purposes.
"Outdoors Delphine CGN RATI RATN CAT CAA"
Della was born on July 4, 2015, and is one of 8 puppies born to Outdoors Annelike Rose and Compay II de la Serve de la Chapelle d'Alexandre.
She lived with us on the farm, with excursions for training in tracking, retrieving, and scenting events and trials. Della has several Barn Hunt titles - and we actively participated in events in the US and Canada when we are able. She is also a certified Canine Good Neighbour.  The summer of 2019 Della also earned a Lure Coursing title with the AKC. 
Della is CKC registered with a 3 generation pedigree and also registered with the AKC.  She also has a Dutch 3 generation export pedigree with Raad van Beheer.
Once Della was retired from breeding, she went to live with a family in Waterloo, just a few minutes away from us, and now hunts rabbits and enjoys long neighbourhood walks. 
Her hips are OFA A - Good, Elbows normal, and her CAER is normal, PRA-PRCD Clear.  

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Barbet Della
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He is one of our Dutch imported Barbet, and we got him after researching possible matings in the Netherlands.  Working with Henk and Walda at von der Leibrucke kennels in Holland, we decided to import him for the future purposes of showing and breeding.

"CH. Kadiz von der Leibrucke CGN"

Diesel was born July 4, 2015. He has  OFA certified Fair hips (B) Normal elbows (0/0) and CAER Normal.  PRA-PRCD - Clear. 

Diesel is a Canadian Champion and also competed in a limited amount of open shows in the AKC for a couple of placements.  Diesel is also a certified Canine Good Neighbour.    

He is registered with the CKC and the AKC, as well as the Dutch Kennel club Raad van Beheer, with a 3 generation export pedigree. 

Diesel loves to retrieve, play, and swim. 
Living in Barrie, Diesel is house brother to Barbet Daphne. Their family enjoy regular walks in the conservation areas and fun trips to the lake for big swims! 

Pippin is a lovely dog and really sweet girl.  Pip lives with our good friends Ron and Johanne in Waterloo, just 30 minutes from our house, and we see her often.  (Merry, our Lily x Angus pup born in May 2020 also lives in that family!)

                              "BISS BPIG CH. RoVer's Claire Beauchamp Fraser CGN"


Pippin was born October 20, 2018 to Courailee Ena dit Wolfi x RoVer's Kay T Aqua dite Willow. 

Pippin is a pup with relation to our original breeding brood Bonnie, and she is a breeding  from our friends

at RoVer Barbets in Severn Bridge, Ontario. Pippin is CKC registered with a 3 generation pedigree.
Pippin is also a Canine Good Neighbour.
Her official OFA hips are certified Excellent (A1) and elbows 0/0 (normal). Cardiac and Thyroid Normal and her PRA-PRCD is clear and CAER is Normal. 
Pippin's last litter was in 2023, and she is now living her best retired life - enjoying the cottage with lots of boat rides and swimming! 


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Not forgetting the Barbet who are no longer part of the Biscay family.

"CH Quaciendas Cirocco Cristaline" Ciro who's bright spark lives on in the Pearl Puppies he sired.  
"Alma z Gorki Podduchonej" sister to our Anton/Asta and mother to our Pearl puppies of 2008.

"Cythere di Barbochos Reiau de Prouvenco" Sanka a sweet girl with a soft and gentle spirit. 

"Fly Me to The Moon de la serve de la chappelle d'Alexandre" Rocket. Best boy ever. 

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